Parliamentary is a popular two-person debate format (**three-person for CTMSDL). There are two people on the "government" (or "proposition") team and two on the "opposition" team. The government's purpose is to uphold the motion/resolution (the topic of the debate) and the opposition is to find the weaknesses in upholding the motion.
Format - Standard Time Limits
First Proposition Speaker: 7 minutes
First Opposition Speaker: 8 minutes
Second Proposition Speaker: 8 minutes
Second Opposition Speaker: 8 minutes
Opposition Rebuttal: 4 minutes
Proposition Rebuttal: 5 minutes
First Opposition Speaker: 8 minutes
Second Proposition Speaker: 8 minutes
Second Opposition Speaker: 8 minutes
Opposition Rebuttal: 4 minutes
Proposition Rebuttal: 5 minutes
**For CTMSDL (middle school state tournament) every speech is 5 minutes and the rebuttals are 4 minutes