There will be general resources such as the basics of Parliamentary debate and specific arguments that are read. We will also be posting videos with audio of high school Parliamentary debates to learn from as the year goes by. 
For those who are interested, information to enter state competitions (as a novice or in Varsity) will be posted along with tournament rules and guidelines. Each topic will be analyzed and broken down for those looking to enter a tournament (as some have a specific topic that is given prior). Finally, we will be answering questions on the website and will post them periodically.

Here is the link to the Connecticut Middle School Parliamentary Debate League (CTMSDL): which goes over how to make speeches and what drills to do for practice.
CTMSDL is also the organization that hosts state tournaments online and in person for middle schoolers and creates the topics every year.
There is also material on the website of the Connecticut High School Parliamentary Debate Association (CDA): It has more in-depth material that covers the basics of Parliamentary for High Schoolers who have never done debate before so is excellent for beginners at any level.
CDA is the organization that hosts state tournaments in person for high schoolers.
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